Reading order of my papers to date
Having been very busy undertaking the AIR research project recently, I have had little time to update the Blog, apologies! However, Below is a suggested reading order for my research publications to date. While the topics have not been written in order, they form an overall story as to why the interfaces of railway-based systems and their enviornment should be effectively managed to enable future sustainability. If you would like to see any of these papers, please do let me know!
Darroch, 2014 - A brief introduction to London’s underground railways and land-use (Journal of Transport and Land Use);
Darroch, 2012 - London’s Deep Tube Railways: Visibly Invisible (MA Dissertation);
Darroch and Ling, 2021 - The need for coordinated planning of urban change and urban management in the vicinity of metro infrastructure, an example of Los Angeles Metro (With publisher);
Darroch, 2019 - Towards an understanding of the complex relationship between underground urban space and its environment, with particular focus on urban underground metro infrastructure in London (PhD thesis);
Darroch, Beecroft, and Nelson, 2021 - Developing standardised processes for the comprehension and sharing of multi-disciplinary interface data for railway-based systems and their environment (With publisher);
Darroch, Beecroft, and Nelson, 2016 - A conceptual framework for land use and metro infrastructure (Journal of Infrastructure Asset Management);
Darroch, Beecroft, and Nelson, 2018 - Going underground: An exploration of the interfaces between underground urban transport infrastructure and its environment (Journal of Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology);
Darroch, 2020 - Why is there a need to understand the interfaces between railway-based systems and their environment? ([podcast] presented at IAM Virtual Global Conference 2020);
Darroch, Beecroft, and Nelson, 2021 - A qualitative analysis of the interfaces between urban underground metro infrastructure and its environment, in London (With publisher);
Darroch and Sapcote, 2021 - untitled – discusses the AIR research with a railway partiicpating railway company the AIR research project is currently working with (In production - 2nd International Conference on Infrastructure and Construction).
